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Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
pixel ninjas
So you enjoy working on the way users interact with websites and programs?
How about the...
creatives serving as a design firm for the Fedora community
Would you like something more
on how to join the design team?
Would you like something more
on different kinds of design tasks
How does this sound?
there are people in need of good taste -- you can help
How does this sound?
making cute cut-outs of people's faces
So you enjoy working on the way users interact with websites and programs?
How about the...
web developers that build and other awesome sites
on different kinds of website tasks
That's my style too.
How about working on the...
it's a little crusty
That's my style too.
How about working on the...
there's a list of sites that need standardizing
That's my style too.
How about working on the...
we're an international community after all
That's my style too.
How about working on the...
gallery for mini-interview-style user profiles and stories
That's my style too.
How about working on the...
this thing -- the page you're looking at right now!
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
hacking the gibson
Zeroes and ones #allday? Me too.
What's your favourite language?
a dynamic language for rapid development
So, you enjoy traceback-driven development? What could go wrong?
Are you interested in hacking on...
the OS installer and all its related projects
So, you enjoy traceback-driven development? What could go wrong?
Are you interested in hacking on...
the Automatic Bug Reporting Tool
So, you enjoy traceback-driven development? What could go wrong?
Are you interested in hacking on...
Dandified Yum (DNF) is a major rewrite of yum
So, you enjoy traceback-driven development? What could go wrong?
Are you interested in hacking on...
a dynamically managed firewall with support for network zones
So, you enjoy traceback-driven development? What could go wrong?
Are you interested in hacking on...
a dynamic database of Python 2 packages needing to be updated to Python 3
So, you enjoy traceback-driven development? What could go wrong?
Are you interested in hacking on...
a web interface for managing and administrating Linux web servers
So, you enjoy traceback-driven development? What could go wrong?
Are you interested in hacking on...
Fedora Infrastructure team for the win
Zeroes and ones #allday? Me too.
What's your favourite language?
close to the metal
So, you think OOP is for hipsters? Let me tell you, back in my day...
How about working on...
git for operating system binaries
So, you think OOP is for hipsters? Let me tell you, back in my day...
How about working on...
widely renowned init system and suite of building blocks
So, you think OOP is for hipsters? Let me tell you, back in my day...
How about working on...
a server manager that makes it easy to administer via a web browser
So, you think OOP is for hipsters? Let me tell you, back in my day...
How about working on...
an easy and elegant way to use your computer
So, you think OOP is for hipsters? Let me tell you, back in my day...
How about working on...
that thing that connects application software to the hardware of a computer
Zeroes and ones #allday? Me too.
What's your favourite language?
a nondynamic language for rapid development
So, programming without side-effects is what you're all about? Sounds useful!
How about...
Work with the community to make Haskell development in Fedora be awesome!
Zeroes and ones #allday? Me too.
What's your favourite language?
a nondynamic language for nonrapid development
So you're a believer in AbstractMethodFactoryBean
s? Straightforward enough...
How about...
Work with the community on Java packaging and development
So you're a believer in AbstractMethodFactoryBean
s? Straightforward enough...
How about...
A suite of enterprise middleware
So you're a believer in AbstractMethodFactoryBean
s? Straightforward enough...
How about...
Interact with fedmsg from the JVM
So you're a believer in AbstractMethodFactoryBean
s? Straightforward enough...
How about...
Send fedmsg messages related to Jenkins builds
Zeroes and ones #allday? Me too.
What's your favourite language?
a nondynamic language for semirapid development
So, just OOP or functional languages wouldn't do it? You had to have both, huh?
How about working on...
Interact with Fedora's community on the go!
Zeroes and ones #allday? Me too.
What's your favourite language?
a dynamic web-oriented language for backend and frontend
So, you think having native integers is over-rated? What could go wrong?
There's plenty to do. How about joining the..
web developers that build and other awesome sites
Would you like something more
on how to join the websites team?
Would you like something more
on different kinds of website tasks
That's my style too.
How about working on the...
it's a little crusty
That's my style too.
How about working on the...
there's a list of sites that need standardizing
That's my style too.
How about working on the...
we're an international community after all
That's my style too.
How about working on the...
gallery for mini-interview-style user profiles and stories
That's my style too.
How about working on the...
this thing -- the page you're looking at right now!
Zeroes and ones #allday? Me too.
What's your favourite language?
hashrockets and bare words
Zeroes and ones #allday? Me too.
What's your favourite language?
imperative and object-oriented with the power of low-level memory manipulation
So, you're not happy if your error messages are comprehensible? We have a place for you.
Try digging into...
a free and open source office suite
So, you're not happy if your error messages are comprehensible? We have a place for you.
Try digging into...
an integrated set of cross-platform applications
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
connecting the dots
Have a knack for community-building?
Would you like something more
on how to join the Community Operations team?
Have a knack for community-building?
Would you like something more
on different kinds of community tasks
How does this sound?
the representatives of Fedora
How does this sound?
the central hub of all Fedora news, across the subprojects
How does this sound?
finding information for a weekly article about the happenings in Fedora
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
So, you have a way with words?
Would you be more interested in...
so people know how to use this crazy stuff
Without you no-one would be able to "RTFM", as they say.
Would you be interested in something...
about how to join the docs team?
Without you no-one would be able to "RTFM", as they say.
Would you be interested in something...
about documentation related tasks
Now we're talking!
Let's see. How about working on...
it tends to get a little overgrown
Now we're talking!
Let's see. How about working on...
a more technical type of documentation
Now we're talking!
Let's see. How about working on...
that people have reported
So, you have a way with words?
Would you be more interested in...
21st century journalism, my friend
Only the news that's fit to print.
How about something...
something "official"
Yes! The spotlight!
You should get involved in writing for...
all Fedora news, all the Fedora time
Only the news that's fit to print.
How about something...
something more personal
We have just the thing for you.
Get your own blog added to the...
the central hub of all Fedora news, across the subprojects
We have just the thing for you.
Get your own blog added to the...
an aggregator of Fedora bloggers
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
we're an international effort, after all
So you know more than one language? We need you!
Would you be more interested in...
about how to join the L10N team?
So you know more than one language? We need you!
Would you be more interested in...
about L10N tasks
Let's get down to business.
Perhaps you'd be interested in translating...
there are some essential projects that need translating
Let's get down to business.
Perhaps you'd be interested in translating...
usually from English to another language
Let's get down to business.
Perhaps you'd be interested in translating...
all the guides and release notes
Let's get down to business.
Perhaps you'd be interested in translating...
which has its own translation resources
Let's get down to business.
Perhaps you'd be interested in translating...
also with its own translation process
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
spreading the good word
So you're a people person?
How about becoming a Fedora...
the representatives of Fedora
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
getting new software into Fedora
So you want to help build the OS? Excellent.
Then you'll need to become a Fedora...
steward of the packages in Fedora
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
as they say, "if it's not tested, it's broken"
So you like to push all the buttons and break all the things?
Are you more interested in something...
about how to join the QA team?
So you like to push all the buttons and break all the things?
Are you more interested in something...
about different QA and testing tasks
We need people to...
when there's an upcoming release, that is
We need people to...
before they hit the stable repo
We need people to...
otherwise we won't know what to test
We need people to...
for continuous awesomeness
I'm of the same mind.
We need people to hack on
used to propose and track release blocking bugs
I'm of the same mind.
We need people to hack on
the Fedora Updates System
I'm of the same mind.
We need people to hack on
a handsome tool to ease testing updates
We need people to...
some basically abandoned tasks
That's huge of you.
we need someone to head up...
you'll need a heart of gold
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
rethinking how we compose the distro
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
for those who are passionate about user and developer experience
So you're into making the OS polished and easy to use?
You probably want to join the Fedora...
the group behind Fedora Workstation
So you're into making the OS polished and easy to use?
You probably want to join the Fedora...
for those excited about Cinnamon desktop environment spiciness in Fedora
So you're into making the OS polished and easy to use?
You probably want to join the Fedora...
to provide high-quality, usable KDE software packages
So you're into making the OS polished and easy to use?
You probably want to join the Fedora...
to define a high-quality LXDE experience for Fedora users
So you're into making the OS polished and easy to use?
You probably want to join the Fedora...
for those excited about integration of the Xfce desktop environment
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
the best and latest for the datacentre
So you're into making the OS powerful and flexible?
You probably want to join the Fedora...
the special-interest-group for Fedora Server
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
it's where the future lives
You probably want to join the Fedora...
the special-interest-group for Fedora Cloud
You probably want to join the Fedora...
the OpenStack distro for Fedora
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
making Fedora work better for all languages
Have a regional or world perspective?
You probably want to join the Fedora...
the Fedora Internationalization subproject
Want to help Fedora? Tell me...
what's your area of interest?
spread your knowledge to others in the community
Generated by asknot-ng, written by Ralph Bean and others. Inspired by the original. Change Language